Asana Lab - Vinyasatreats
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What is Bakasana? Bakasana comes from a Sanskrit word in which ‘Baka’ means ‘crane’ whereas ‘asana’ means pose or posture. The final position of this asana replicates a crane; hence, it is called the crane pose. Bakasana, or the crane pose yoga, is an arm balancing......

Camel Pose stretches the front of the body including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps. It improves spinal mobility as much of the day you are likely to be sitting or slouching and bending your spine forward. An intense yoga posture with many physical and mental benefits....

Sometimes translated from Sanskrit to English as “Fierce Seat” or “Powerful Pose.” It is a strengthening and heat-building asana that brings all parts of your body together into a cohesive and powerful whole. This asana is a meditation on determination and perseverance, as well as commitment....

Seated forward fold provides a deep stretch for entire back side of body from the heels to the neck. Forward fold calms the nervous system and emotions and stimulates the reproductive and urinary systems. Instructions 1. From Staff pose, inhale the arms up over the head and lift and......

Eka Pada Koundinyasana requires an element of hip flexion and also hip abduction.  Once you’re in Parsva Bakasana, press firmly into the floor through your arms and hands initiating that pressing action with your strong chest and back muscles (think of everything you’ve ever learnt about working with strength in Chaturanga......

Peaceful warrior pose is a variation of Warrior II that stretches the sides of the torso, relieves back pain, and calms the mind. A Peaceful Battle The Peaceful Warrior may sound contradictory, but your yoga practice requires that you seek truth beyond illusions and make thoughtful......

Prasarita Padottanasana also known as the wide-legged standing forward bend pose, is a fantastic preparatory pose for even deeper forward folds and hip openers. It is an energizing inversion that increases circulation to the brain while providing a deep stretch for the legs, back, and arms. 1. From......

The Sirsasana or Headstand Pose is the king of all asanas as it is a pose that involves balance on the head/crown. Step by step  Beginners’ tips for Headstand Benefits ...

Extended Triangle Pose, or Utthita Trikonasana, is a quintessential standing yoga pose that stretches and strengthens various muscle groups. 1. From a standing position with the legs 3 feet apart as in Five Pointed Star, turn the right toes to the right wall and the left toes......

Named for a legendary warrior, Virabhadrasana 2 strengthens your quads, shoulders, and core—not to mention your stamina and inner resolve....

Camatkarasana (Flip Dog’) is a fun, dynamic and challenging yoga posture. It’s a pose that requires strength and suppleness in both the shoulder and hip joints, as well as in the core. INSTRUCTIONS: BENEFITS:...
